If it is, I have a long way to go. It is challenging and heart breaking to please anyone. I used to feel I have a good handle on my life. I use to be the oh-so-knowing-independent teen. I had the energy and confidence that I can handle things and I'm well-matured for my age. Now I'm older, I realized I had the teenage syndrome bad! I'm passed my teens and I'm supposedly wiser but I feel inexperienced with life. I may have experienced love but not mastered my love life. I may have dealt with my hot temparament but not mastered patience. I may have finished my nursing bachelor's degree but not my career. I may have graduated from my teenage years but I'm just starting my young adult years. I'm have a long way to perfection.
Does God demands perfection from us?
Do you know God will command His angels to shut quiet so He can listen to us worship. If we think about it between angels' voice and ours, angels definetly win. They have this mystical "angelic" voice and we have our tone deaf, high pitched, non-lasting voice but God always choose to listen to us. Do you know God has over 30,000 promises to men in the Bible. As humans we are given so many promises that only our species can have. Futhermore, these are no ordinary promises--its eternal promises but not all we claim.Do you know that we have the most freedom any living thing can have. We can do whatever we want. I like the movie where angels were jealous of humans. Some of the angels gave up their mortality to have a short time of being human. This movie may be fiction but I like the thought were the perfect creation are jealous of us.
God is always waiting for us but we fail to speak to Him. Over 30,000 promises are reserved for us but we fail to claim it all, some choose to forfeit it. We are given free will but we fail to be free from the world. There are even those who try their hardest to isolate themselves from God because they want to be free from the thought that a God rules over them yet they imprison themselved with vices.
I embrace my humanity but it does not mean I embrace my individuality. I'm not speaking of individuality being unique. I am unique, we all are. I speak individuality in a sense of independence or dependence on my own humanity. There are choices to be done and I'm not confident to do it on my own. I am prideful, reckless and undisciplined. These are few of my human trade marks.

I am not perfect but I have a perfect God.
O. Chambers mentioned in one of his devotional book, Christian perfection is not, and never can be, human perfection. He defines Christian perfection as the "perfection of relationship to God wihch shows itself amid the irrelevancies of human life.Thoughts about ourselves hinder our uselfulness to God. God is not after perfecting us to be a specimen in His showroom; He is getting us to the place where He can use us.
Image: Popular posts by Buffy1996 Rape by serial rapist,1979