Monday, November 3, 2008

Get over It, Move on, & Be Mighty

Well-mentioned characters or the “big men” in the Bible such as Abraham, Moses, David, and Peter have at least once made bad choices in their lives.

  • When Abraham should have stayed in the land and trusted the Lord, he fled to Egypt because of the drought. And this was by no means the last of Abraham’s failures.

  • Moses, in trying to help his people, ran ahead of the Lord and killed the Egyptian. Later, against the command of God, he struck the rock in his anger.

  • When David should have been out in the field of battle, he stayed home and committed adultery with Bathsheba and then plotted the murder of her husband.

  • Peter, in spite of his self-confidence and his great boast, denied the Lord, as did the rest of the disciples who fled before the evening our Lord’s arrest was over.
    (J. H Keathley)

“Stand Up! What are you doing in your face?”—Joshua 7:10

These characters are well trained and disciplined by their love of God; however, they were not perfect. Only God is perfect. Though they failed not just once but many times and in some significantly, they recovered magnificently, which is why their names and life are worth mentioning in the Bible. They use their failures as tools for personal and spiritual growth. They did not have any pity party!

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." –1 John 1:9

“The Lord knows the thoughts of man; He knows that they are futile” (Psalms 94:11). Nevertheless, He is forgives and gives second chances... even more chances. Apostle Peter denied Jesus three times, but Jesus, who knew Peter’s nature strength and infirmity chose him to be the leader of the disciples. Peter was Jesus’ successor in heading the apostles and disciples. More importantly, he redeemed his integrity by successfully leading the spreading the Good News across the continent.

“I will never leave you, nor forsake you” –Hebrews 13:5

These men became SOMEONE not because of their failure but how they faced their failures and became mighty. They saw their failures as a situation of opportunities. I’m sure they were unexplainably dismayed after being rebuked and stripped off of their integrity, like any normal person. Fortunately, God does not give up on anyone. With God’s hand at work, these men got over it, moved on, and became might men. They all left precious legacies that the generation after them benefited. They all set an example that many follows. They were normal people that became extraordinary.

“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything." --Theodore Roosevelt

November 3, 2008

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