Saturday, April 19, 2008

Things to Do on Lazy Days

There are many things that hinder people to have a break. When given the time to have a day- off from work or school, planning what to do is another task to face... I personally dislikes hassles and high maintenance tasks so let me share few of the things I enjoy doing that require no planning...

The no.1 fav thing I like to do is EAT..EAT..EATing Out!

Have a break... have some sushi!
Anyone who really knows me will agree that one of the things I can't say "No" to is sushi... My personal belief about sushi (no matter what other says)...its not fatty so you can never get too much of it.

My friends and I RARELY go to Japanese Resto & look at the menu... we all know what we're getting... ALL YOU CAN EAT! Why pay 7.95 for a bento box, when you can have it all for only 10.00.. of course you need to wait till after 9pm to get this awesome deal.

Its pretty obvious when I'm stressed... you can see it on my cheeks & middle part... hihihi... its aight' the only one who got a problem with that is my bestfriend (oh' well he means well).

Before I go to my next fav, Bino's resto is worth mentioning... This ragged ol'dinner along Kingsway just hooked me since my first visit in 2003

Bottomless coffee

& Breakfast-All-Day

only for $4.95

Next on my list is SNOWBOARDING!
Meet my board, "Lamar Blue." My kuya gave her to me as a Christmas gift (2006). She's been with me through bumps, bruises, ouwies & curves... I got tons of em'

New Fav of mine (2007) is KARAOKE!

Its not really the singing I like, it's watching my animated friends sing a high note... barely making it & still get 100% in the score board.
The miracle of magic mic!

There are tons of things to do on any lazy day that I would like to mention; however, one vital thing to rememeber: Day-offs are for rest so if the body just wants to rest it will rest no matter what you have decided to do...

in the mall ... in the car... or in the hang out place.

...which ever you decide have a delightful break !

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Salvation, Use it or Loose it!

“Use it or Loose it” is a one of those cliche that means exactly what it states. One researcher used this cliche by pointing out an important reminder about using our brain. He states that if we don’t use our brain, we'll loose it, which means the brain is a part of our body that needs to be maintained and developed.

How about God's Salvation? Does it need maintenance as well? I have encountered and read about people who believe salvation does not need maintenance, that is, they believe once they receive God's salvation, they are A-okay for life. The pharisees in the Book of Matthew is an example. The pharisees were living a life with power over the people. However when John the Baptist saw them coming to watch, he denounced them. “You brood of snakes!” he exclaimed. “Who warned you to flee God’s coming wrath? Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones.(Matthew 3:7-10).
John rebuked the pharisees publicly due to their display of arrogance and faulty confidence. He called them “brood of snakes.” No doubt, this is humiliating for the pharisees, who are authority figures. Why did John the Baptism called them snakes? Because the pharisees are being hypocrites- all words but no actions. The pharisees talk about God's commandments and tells their listeners to obey them but they themselves were corrupt and deceitful. The pharisees assumed they were safe because they are children of Abraham but John rebuked them and reminded them that they need to prove by the way they live that they have repented from their sins and turned to God.

This exerpt from the Bible shows saying “I repent” is not enough, repentance is more than words. It needs to be proven through how one lives—exerting effort to live righteously with the fear of Lord and for God’s pleasure. In other words we can not keep a life of sin and still hold onto our salvation. Keep in mind that repentance is much more than stopping the very act of committing the sins that we are asking forgiveness for. Repentance is actually the act of turning away from doing those sins--not committing them anymore and changing our lives in such a way as we no longer want or desire to commit those sins. God gave us the free will to make our own choices. If we decide not to walk in the darkness then we will not loose our salvation and its privelege. It is very important to note that God will not force us to come to Him. He is not going to get down on His knees and beg us to believe Him, trust Him, or accept Him. Nor will He force us to love Him or demand our obedience.

I admit, its hard to live according to God's guidance 24/7. The enemy works so hard for the bad things to be so enticing that it is hard to ignore. It would have been easier if He choose. When I sin and fail to ask for fogiveness and to change my ways, it feels as if I am telling God that my salvation "is not worth the effort". That I do not wish to have His gift of eternal salvation. That I want to make it through this life on my own without any help from Him. That I will follow the ways of the world rather than the ways of my Lord (tsk tsk to me...). Whenever I'm having a difficult time to follow Him, I sing to God the song “Take my Life,” by Third Day, a Christian rock band. The lyrics goes “Please take for me my life when I don’t have the strength to give it away to You…” First time I heard this song was when I was just a new Christian, both excited and overwhelmed with the changes in my life. Walking in the narrow path can be really challenging and difficult. I used to ask God to take my free will and choose for me. I was desperate to turn my ways and the rate I was going, it seemed it will take me an eternity to change.

I don't ask for God to take my free will anymore but I do pray that He take over me. I understand that God chose not to choose for me because He wants me to decide for myself, its more rewarding. I also understand God choosing for me is the easy way. God never takes the easy way! He chose the difficult way for Himself as well. He chose to be humiliated and crucified to prove something and to increase the chance of human kind to be saved and be His. He could have easily made us choose to follow Him all the time but He did not. He desires for us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling...for His will and to work for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:12b-13 ).

Zzzz time.. is it necessary?

Health care workers recommend sleep as an essential part of healing and healthy lifestyle. However its purposes are only partly clear and are the subject of intense research (Bingham, et al.).
For some people, sleep is a phenomena or an extraordinary event. Ask any nursing student about sleep and they'll probably ask you to define it and use it in a sentence. Closing of eyes to rest for nursing students is called napping (max 2hrs), not sleeping. A bed for nursing students are no longer for sleeping but a place to put their feet up while reading a 4 inch think medical surgical book or a rectangular shape thing they bought in Ikea as a place to put their nursing books because their shelves are full.
I work in a hospital and I'm amazed how many of my clients sleep late and wake up very early. When I asked one of my older client about his sleeping habit he replied, "I don't sleep, I only take naps.. I have been sleeping all my life." Is he telling me something profound or just simply saying I'm old, I can't sleep so back off? On the other hand, I have clients who sleep almost the whole day that I need to force them out of their bed by bribing them they can sleep after having a short walk with the physio.
Another example is my 11 year old sister who can't get enought of sleep. You sit her in the car, she'll fall asleep after driving a few blocks. You pop in a movie in the DVD, she'll fall asleep before the intro finishes. You ask her to get something for you from the other room you can be sure she won't be back and you'll find her dozing off. I, on the other hand, can't get enough sleep. There are only two reasons I would prefer to sleep: When I'm dead tired and during a boring class. Actually, there is one more reason: After I ate a huge meal (Who doesn't?). Anywhoo... its been a while since I slept on my bed... I just can't force myself to go to bed.. my usual routine.. I lay on my couch, watch TV then find myself waking up the next morning. I miss sleeping. I use to love to sleep. I use to look forward for my bed time so I can dream of flying... yups.. my favorite dream is when I can fly... I'll try to fly in any of my dreams.... but that's something to chat about next time..
According to Wikipedia, sleep is a "natural state of bodily rest... and essential for survival." So do we die if we do not sleep? or do we die from exhaustion related to not sleeping, which means it is not because of not sleeping but due to exhaustion? Research shows that the quantity of sleep is not as meaningful as the quality of sleep, that is, a person's major sleep is relatively inefficient and inadequate when it occurs at the wrong time of day. Hmmm...When is the right time to sleep then? Is it when we are sleepy? Does this mean I can excuse myself during a boring lecture to doze off? To be honest.. I don't khow how to elaborate this further... all I am sure of is there are only 24 hours in a day and I don't want to waste it with too much sleeping. So to the sleepers like my sister, sleep well but be sure to wake up and smell the beauty of life.